AdSense 收益与付款任何疑问解答: 2008



站长Markus Frind,每月从Google AdSense获利30万美元
据华盛顿邮报、纽约时报、雅虎及其它媒体综合资料,Google推出至今已经让很多人取得了丰厚的收入,而全球Google AdSense发布者中有8位的收入明显超过了其他人,以下是这些发布者的排名及网站:

1.顶尖交友网站是目前互联网上最大的约会站点,同时他是完全免费的,并同时服务美国、加拿大、澳洲和欧洲等地区。)的站长Markus Frind,每月从Google AdSense获利30万美元。

2.目前最火热的Web 2.0新闻社区的站长Kevin Rose,每月从获利25万美元。

3.Jeremy Shoemaker,通过成百上千个域名联合营销,每月从Google AdSense获利14万美元。

4.著名博客Weblogs创始人Jason Calacanis,在将之出售给美国在线之前,Weblogs每天从Google AdSense获利4千美元,而现在由美国在线掌控之后,每月至少也能从Google AdSense获利12万美元。

5.MySpace个人空间展示与设计网站创始人David Miles Jr.与Kato Leonard每月从获利10万美元。

6.高级水管工Tim Carter的建筑咨询网站每月可为他从Google万美元。

7.专业Google AdSense用户Joal Comm每月能够从这一广告服务中获利2.4万美元,他甚至还写了一本专门介绍如何从的书。

8: Shawn Hogan的商业软件网站 每月可为他从获利1万美元。

9. http://www.guyoucn.com赚取了0.008$一天!





账户类型是个人账户的发布商,并且 邮寄地址为中国大陆地区(目前不包括台湾,香港以及澳门特别行政区),都可以使用西联汇款的付款方式。对于中国大陆地区账户类型为企业账户的发布商,目前还只支持邮寄美元支票的付款方式。






只需要登录您的 Google AdSense 账户,点击我的账户,在账户设置中编辑付款细节,选择西联汇款作为付款方式并点击确认后,您就可以使用西联汇款业务了。当汇款发出之后,您只需要携带您的有效身份证件,记录付款识别码及相应付款信息前往就近的西联代理机构即可。


您的付款必须在发出后35个自然日之内提取,否则您的此次付款将被取消并重新计入您的Google AdSense 账户,而您的账户也会被自动付款保留以确保您的付款安全。我们向西联公司及其代理机构支付的仍然是美元,但您可以要求其为您兑换成人民币。


对于中国大陆地区的发布商而言,在使用西联汇款方式之前,除了要确定您的Google AdSense 帐户收款人的拼音和中文姓名与您的有效证件的姓名完全一致以外,您还需要确认您的 Google AdSense 账户拼音收款人名称的填写格式,正确的填写格式应该为名在前,姓在后,中间以空格隔开,如 Xiaoming Zhang, Xi Liao。

不符合规范的拼音收款人填写将可能导致您无法收到汇款。如果您希望更改您的拼音收款人姓名以确保可以收到付款, 请通过更正拼音收款人专用页面给我们发送邮件,我们将为您进行修改。如果您修改后的拼音收款人姓名与您的原有的中文收款人姓名不符,我们则无法为您进行修改。

西联公司中国大陆地区的免费热线为 800 820 8668,您可以在提取汇款之前拨打其电话得知离您最近的西联分理处及其代理机构。

注册 Google AdSense 使您的网站产生收益

注册 Google AdSense 使您的网站产生收益
Google AdSense是网络会员联盟的一种形式,如果一个网站加入Google AdSense,即成为google的内容发布商,作为内容发布商可以在自己网站上显示google关键词广告,google根据会员网站上显示的广告被点击的次数支付佣金,当某个月底佣金累计达到100美元时即可向用户支付广告佣金。   如果你拥有自己的网站并有一定的访问量,均可申请加入Google AdSense,无论网站是个人的还是商业的。如果你想尝试一下利用自己的网站把流量转化为收益,通过自己的网站实现赚钱的目的,可以访问google官方网站对Google AdSense的详细介绍,以及如何加盟AdSense.

启动 AdSense 计划非常简单,并且不需要占用贵站的任何工程资源。Google 会向您提供若干行 HTML 代码,您可以将它们添加到任何网页,

Google adsense具体介绍,与申请方法 来源: 股友网

随着google adsense的广泛流行,随之而来的一个问题就是如何提高自己adsense的收入。对adsense进行了两周的观察和调研后,基本上有一定的逻辑原则,写在这里供google adsense用户参考。

1] google adsense 广告之第一定理



(1) 广告的位置

(2) 广告的色彩

(3) 广告的大小

(4) 最重要的就是你这个广告的浏览量了,或者叫展示次数。

2] google adsense 广告之第二定理



这里引申的意思是你的单篇的页面的内容要尽量集中,只阐述一个问题,这样google 的Mediapartners-Google爬虫才不会误判你的网页类型和内容。

3] google adsense 广告之第三定理


国人善于钻空子,任何一种健全的商业规则只要放入华人市场,立刻就变了味道,例如传统的alexa排名。要说明的是:google adsense不会是你的个人谋生手段,将更多的精力花在其它的有意义的事情上要比寻找作弊的努力强的多。
AdSense 启动过程非常简单。按照以下 个步骤,您就可以在自己的网页上启动并执行 AdSense 代码,在 15 分钟甚至更短时间内即可准备好获得收入!本指南将引导您完成从登录自己帐户到生成广告代码并添加到网页中这一完整过程。要充分利用这一指南,请通读一遍,打印出来,并在设置帐户的过程中将其放在您的手边。

Google AdSense是网站收入的主要来源之一,这里介绍一些常用的技巧,希望通过这些技巧能够增加大家的Google AdSense收入,并防止自己的帐号被删除。







  通过对于点击广告的追踪,我们可以追踪到一些恶意点击,比如某个IP连续对于广告的点击,这时候,应该将相关的数据统计及时向Google Adsense报告,以免帐号被误封。


  有时候我们会发现点击的数目突然增加很多,但是最后产生的价值却反而减少,这说明广告中有一些低价值广告,这时我们根据点击广告所追踪到的数据,找到点击量最大的一个网站地址,然后在Google Adsense设置中的“竞争性广告过滤器”里,将这个网站加入黑名单即可,这样网站上就不会显示这个低价值的广告了。当然,这个方法可能有时候会发生错误,如果发现有问题也可以将过滤网站删除。





  规则大致包括:不要点击自己的 Google 广告,不要鼓励别人点击 Google 广告,不要采用弹出式提示或自动软件安装,不要将 Google 广告放在任何含有被禁止内容的网站上,不要篡改 AdSense 代码,等等等等。

  如果发现网站广告点击有异常情况,应该及时通知Google相关人员。万一被Google Adsense除名了,也不要不知所措,将自己的相关统计数据提交给Google,告诉他你是无辜的。

  以上就是我总结的Google Adsense的一些技巧,希望使用这些技巧能让大家的Google Adsense收入得到增加。

我们一直致力于为发布商提供充足的数据信息,从而让您更好地了解自己的网站运营和广告效果。现在我们很高兴地告诉大家,AdSense 帐户将会融入谷歌分析工具,这个功能可以让您跟好地了解网站的流量和用户行为。

我们一直致力于为发布商提供充足的数据信息,从而让您更好地了解自己的网站运营和广告效果。现在我们很高兴地告诉大家,AdSense 帐户将会融入谷歌分析工具,这个功能可以让您跟好地了解网站的流量和用户行为。


把谷歌分析帐户加入 AdSense 帐户,您就可以获得您网站上的用户行为的高级报告。除了谷歌分析工具现有的报告,如独立用户访问量、用户语言等,现在您的报告还可以把 AdSenes 广告效果根据网页、浏览来源等参数进行细分。利用这些数据,您就可以更好地了解网站用户的使用习惯,进而对广告设置进行调整,提高广告收入。





Google Adsense 高价关键词从国外站长论坛看到的高价Google Adsense关键词,先介绍一个这里边比较贵的,Mesothelioma(肿瘤),这个词价值$52.81,还看到专门有一个站就是为这个关键词而建的,整个站就一个页面,内容还是来自搜索引擎的东西,都是关于这个 Mesothelioma的,中间放了几条Google Adsense 广告。与这个词有关的词组也非常高,甚至超过了它,达到70美元。
Bush $0.84              ---政治法律类Cheney $0.80Health $3.90              ---医疗健康类Kerry $2.15Medicine $1.92             ---医疗健康类Point of sale software $10.40       ---商业软件类President $0.54             ---政治法律类SEO $4.61               ---互联网类Satellite TV $3.93            ---电视媒体类University Degrees Online $8.74      ---大学学位类Yoga $1.58               ---医疗健康类degrees $5.80              ---大学学位类  entertainment $1.28hosting $8.77               ---互联网类jessica simpson $0.41satellite $3.11               ---电视媒体类university $1.36              ---大学学位类 university degrees $4.48          ---大学学位类 webmaster $1.60              ---互联网类web hosting $10.95            ---互联网类[+显示全文][Abdominal mesothelioma] $17.16     ---医疗健康类 [Asbestos and mesothelioma] $5.42[Asbestos mesothelioma] $37.74[Asbestos] $24.95[Claims] $33.11[Fibrosis] $14.50[Lung cancer] $5.34[Malignant mesothelioma] $47.07[Malignant pleural mesothelioma] $40.45[mesothelioma asbestos] $34.70[mesothelioma attorneys] $75.43[mesothelioma cancer] $43.37[mesothelioma clinic] $57.04[mesothelioma diagnosis] $36.81[mesothelioma doctor] $53.33[mesothelioma info] $36.68[mesothelioma law firm] $40.36[mesothelioma law] $45.86[mesothelioma lawsuit] $30.72[mesothelioma lawyers] $56.61[mesothelioma research] $24.78[mesothelioma symptoms] $47.28[mesothelioma treatment] $56.03[mesothelioma] $55.85[mesothelium] $12.81[Pericardial mesothelioma] $9.60[Peritoneal mesothelioma] $48.95[Pleural mesothelioma] $54.03[Prevention] $7.54[What is mesothelioma] $36.58




悬赏分:0 - 提问时间2008-9-17 00:53 问题为何被关闭
以前发过 没收到 怎么申请重发PIN码呢?
提问者: nick2030 - 初入江湖 二级
答复 共 1 条

如何申请新的个人识别号码? 如果您未收到您的个人识别号码,或者丢失了该号码,欢迎您申请新的号码(您最多能再申请两个新号码)。请注意,您需要在我们邮寄给您前一份个人识别号码三周后,才能申请新的号码。 要申请新的个人识别号码,请执行以下操作: 1.通过以下网址登录到您的 AdSense 帐户: 2.单击我的帐户标签 3.继续进入付款历史页 4.单击请输入您的个人识别号码


The Top 10 Ways to Earn Money at Home

The Top 10 Ways to Earn Money at Home 10种在家最赚钱的职业
You do not have to read many success stories before you start wishing you could work for yourself. The opportunity to be your own boss and the potential for high income are enough to entice us to venture on our own. But what can you do? What kind of business would you be suitable to start? We have compiled the top 10 ways to earn money at home, enough to be a full-time self-employed businessperson!
1. Antiques
The buying and selling of antiques has been and should continue to be a very productive business, financially, for those that do it. Here, you only need an extra room in the house, or the use of your garage -- and you have an office! If you have a large home that has some antique furnishings, you might consider turning it into a showroom for your antique acquisitions and sales, providing you satisfy any local zoning regulations. The interest in antiques will survive into the foreseeable future. Many people choose to spend their free time on the weekends "antiquating" from place to place to try and pick up a few odds or ends and maybe a jewel or two. If you know anything about antiques, this may be a great opportunity for you.

2. Baking
Have you ever been told that you have a recipe that people would line up to get if they could? Ever had anyone tell you that you should be selling those cupcakes you make? There are a number of success stories about people who have launched successful businesses by cooking at home and then marketing to local people first. You may specialize in on just one well-tried and tested food product; or you may innovate on a product that you created yourself and which has never been marketed before. Having perfected the recipe you then turn to packaging and marketing. Word of mouth on a good product may start to get restaurants or bakeries interested in acquiring your culinary masterpieces. Then you progress to selling them statewide and you're on your way to a profitable home-based business.

3. Bed-and-Breakfast Proprietors
Have you ever stayed in a bed and breakfast and thought, "Hey, I can do this!" You probably went on vacation and simply chalked your thought up as one of those pipedreams one gets when they stay in a beautiful spot. Don't toss that thought away! While it's not easy work as the hours can be long and it's usually a seven days per week business, it's often something that you can work into a daily schedule. After all, it's merely an extension of doing the housework for family, right? More and more Americans are taking after Europeans and opening their homes to travelers. If you have an extra room or two since the kids moved out, you can start a bed and breakfast in your own place! Bed and breakfast popularity will continue as more and more vacationers and business travelers seek a different accommodation away from the predictability of the average hotel room. If they enjoy their stay, many become "repeat" customers, coming back to the same familiar surroundings time and again. If you don't need to do any major renovations in the house to accommodate this type of establishment, you can be off and running with very little money invested, other than advertising and some new "guest room supplies". If your dream is to buy a bed and breakfast somewhere in a vacation paradise, there are probably houses for sale that will work for this purpose.

Google AdSense high price keywords here

Google AdSense high price keywords here

Keywords Regarding Money Making Opportunities

Average CPC/7.9$ USD

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Highest Paying Google AdSense Keywords Hoax 最高支付谷歌的AdSense关键字骗局

Is it possible to find out what google adwords pay the most? I've decided to research the topic and my findings so far show that many sites claiming that they know the most paid keywords are a hoax (usually the free ones). Read on for details.

Published: Apr 28 2006

Highest Paying Google AdSense Keywords Hoax
A friend sent me a list of supposedly highest paying keywords for contextual advertising. I wonder is this true or whether this is just a gimmick to make other people believe so... and me supporting the hype by reproducing it here? For your amusement the partial list is at the end of this article. (and don't be surprised if google actually serves you those ads matching those keywords.)

Assuming that whoever produced this list is correct, by looking at the data one can tell that NY and Chicago lawyers are willing to pay a lot of money to get a potential customer via online ads.

But can someone explain why mesothelioma is in the top rank? Is it because people are afraid to get it? Or is it because many people have it already?

Luckily Google doesn't allow porn ads, otherwise we would have been drowning in nasty ads, which probably would have had the highest click rate ever.

The list
Here is a partial list:

$78.30 chicago personal injury lawyer
$73.01 chicago personal injury attorney
$69.17 lasik new york city
$64.27 new york personal injury lawyer
$64.17 new jersey car insurance
$63.10 new york personal injury attorney
$61.64 chicago personal injury lawyers
$61.17 mesothelioma lawyers
$60.74 atlanta personal injury lawyer
$60.29 new york personal injury lawyers
$59.00 lasik dallas
$58.68 new york personal injury lawyers
$58.38 miami personal injury attorney
$58.25 what is mesothelioma
$58.08 best equity loan
$57.95 lasik new york
$56.88 whole life insurance quote
$56.75 new york car insurance
$53.46 whole life insurance quotes
$53.42 car insurance in new jersey
$53.12 las vegas personal injury lawyer
$53.12 term life insurance quotes
$52.57 mesothelioma treatments
$52.41 equity loan rate
$51.78 equity loan
$51.50 new york personal injury lawyer
$51.29 equity loan rates
$51.15 fixed rate equity loan
$50.54 causes of mesothelioma
$45.33 los angeles botox
$45.07 new lasik
$44.86 fixed equity loan
$44.51 san diego personal injury attorney
$44.19 125 equity loans
$43.58 mesothelioma cases
$43.57 car insurance in new york
$42.97 equity refinance
$42.70 asbestos and mesothelioma
$42.52 auto insurance quote
$40.47 [cosmetic surgery los angeles]
$40.04 personal injury attorney atlanta
$39.67 car insurance california
$39.66 oregon personal injury lawyer
$39.43 auto insurance
$39.35 albany personal injury lawyer
$39.21 fixed equity loans
$39.11 personal injury lawyers
$38.84 ameriquest mortgage
$38.31 auto insurance quotes
$38.19 mortgage refinance
$38.17 lump sum settlement
$37.43 cause of mesothelioma
I wonder whether I should research topics about lawyers and mesothelioma :)

Hoax Revealed
After receiving this list, I've googled for "Highest Paying Google AdSense Keywords" and apparently there is a lot of sites out there suggesting those words, most seem to concentrate on mesothelioma and lawyers but the prices seem to vary. I'm still puzzled how did they find out that information?

OK, I think I've figured it out: many of those sites seem to be a hoax. The source seem to be coming from: hxxp://, but it will just trick you into clicking on some auto-generated content. Bad boy. No cookie.

Further search reveals more sites advertising similar hoaxes. Oh well, the nature of the internet -- you get both: the good and the less good.

One forum ( has suggested something that may give you an idea on the subject of keywords, but this thread is very dated. For example it suggests to go to and try bidding at words and see which one come with a high price tag. Another user suggested to use Overture

But even that thread concludes that those techniques don't really work and suggests:

You shouldn't be building pages for
AdSense. You should be putting
AdSense ads on pages with lots of good content. Build the pages for
the reader, optimize them for the Search Engines, then you will get
visitors who are interested in the content and will be interested in
the AdSense ads. That is how you get a good CTR and that is how you
make money with AdSense.
and I totally agree with that.

Related Articles

Description 说明
Is it possible to find out what google adwords pay the most?是否有可能找出谷歌的AdWords支付的最? I've decided to research the topic and my findings so far show that many sites claiming that they know the most paid keywords are a hoax (usually the free ones).我已经决定研究的主题和我国迄今发现表明,许多网站声称他们知道最付费关键字是一个骗局(通常是免费的) 。 Read on for details.阅读详情。

Published: Apr 28 2006发布日期: 2006年4月28日

Highest Paying Google AdSense Keywords Hoax 最高支付谷歌的AdSense关键字骗局
A friend sent me a list of supposedly highest paying keywords for contextual advertising.一位朋友送给我的清单理应支付最高的关键字的上下文广告。 I wonder is this true or whether this is just a gimmick to make other people believe so...我不知道这是真的,还是这只是一种花招让其他人这样认为... and me supporting the hype by reproducing it here?我支持炒作的音响在这里? For your amusement the partial list is at the end of this article.为了您的娱乐部分名单在本月底的文章。 (and don't be surprised if google actually serves you those ads matching those keywords.) (并不会感到惊讶,如果谷歌服务实际上这些广告你这些关键字相匹配的。 )

Assuming that whoever produced this list is correct, by looking at the data one can tell that NY and Chicago lawyers are willing to pay a lot of money to get a potential customer via online ads.假设谁制作这个名单是正确的,看的数据可以看出纽约和芝加哥律师愿意支付了很多钱,以获得潜在客户通过网上的广告。

But can someone explain why mesothelioma is in the top rank?但是可以解释为什么有人间皮瘤是顶级? Is it because people are afraid to get it?这是因为人们担心该怎么做呢? Or is it because many people have it already?还是因为很多人都已经?

Luckily Google doesn't allow porn ads, otherwise we would have been drowning in nasty ads, which probably would have had the highest click rate ever.幸运的谷歌不允许色情广告,否则我们将一直淹没在讨厌的广告,这可能将不得不最高的点击率不断。

The list 清单
Here is a partial list:以下是部分清单:

$78.30 chicago personal injury lawyer七十八点三○美元芝加哥个人伤害律师
$73.01 chicago personal injury attorney七十三点〇一美元芝加哥个人伤害律师
$69.17 lasik new york city六十九点一七美元磨镶术纽约市
$64.27 new york personal injury lawyer六十四点二七美元纽约人身伤害律师
$64.17 new jersey car insurance六十四点一七美元新泽西州汽车保险
$63.10 new york personal injury attorney六十三点一零美元纽约人身伤害律师
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I wonder whether I should research topics about lawyers and mesothelioma :)我不知道我是否应该研究课题有关的律师和间皮瘤: )

Hoax Revealed 骗局揭示
After receiving this list, I've googled for "Highest Paying Google AdSense Keywords" and apparently there is a lot of sites out there suggesting those words, most seem to concentrate on mesothelioma and lawyers but the prices seem to vary.在收到这份名单,我的googled “最高交费谷歌的AdSense关键词” ,显然有很多网站,尽管这些话表明,大多数似乎集中于间皮瘤和律师,但价格似乎有所不同。 I'm still puzzled how did they find out that information?我仍然困惑说他们是怎么发现的信息吗?

OK, I think I've figured it out: many of those sites seem to be a hoax.好吧,我想我已经理解了它:许多网站似乎是一个骗局。 The source seem to be coming from: hxxp://, but it will just trick you into clicking on some auto-generated content.消息来源似乎是来自: hxxp : / / ,但它会欺骗你点击一些自动生成的内容。 Bad boy.坏小子。 No cookie.没有饼干。

Further search reveals more sites advertising similar hoaxes.进一步搜索发现其他网站的广告类似骗局。 Oh well, the nature of the internet -- you get both: the good and the less good.噢好,互联网的性质-你既:良好和较良好。

One forum ( ) has suggested something that may give you an idea on the subject of keywords, but this thread is very dated.一个论坛( )建议的东西,可能让您了解关于这个问题的关键字,但这一线是非常过时。 For example it suggests to go to and try bidding at words and see which one come with a high price tag.例如,建议去并尝试竞标的话,看看哪一个配有一个高的价格标签。 Another user suggested to use Overture .另一位用户建议使用序曲 。

But even that thread concludes that those techniques don't really work and suggests:但即使这样线程的结论是,这些技术并不真正的工作,并建议:

You shouldn't be building pages for你不应该建立网页
AdSense. AdSense计划。 You should be putting你应该把
AdSense ads on pages with lots of good content. AdSense广告的网页上有很多很好的内容。 Build the pages for建立网页
the reader, optimize them for the Search Engines, then you will get读者,优化他们的搜索引擎,那么您将获得
visitors who are interested in the content and will be interested in谁是游客感兴趣的内容,将有兴趣
the AdSense ads. AdSense广告。 That is how you get a good CTR and that is how you这是你如何得到良好的点击率,这是你如何
make money with AdSense.赚钱与AdSense 。
and I totally agree with that.和我完全同意这一点。

结论:GOOGLEADSENSE 你让我疯狂!让你也疯狂!

寻找google 英文高价关键字的方法

寻找google 英文高价关键字的方法
寻找google 英文高价关键字的方法

  google adsense是一个很好营造额外收入的方式.不过,要google adsense 关键是你找到了单价高的关键字,为此关键字打造网站内容.

  1 .其中最快,最容易的途径找到高价关键词的是去 .下面是搜索框,你会看到一个关键词列表.这是名单上的几个项目,最近搜查与表现平平. 这往往是产品名称,有很高的关键字出价.为了找到答案,仅仅去开始堵在一些关键词,看看有多少人投他们.你们一定会找到一些关键词,在1 - 2美元左右,甚至更多。.那么,当你想寻找一些额外的语句,简单新闻f5公司9100页和froogle会给你一个完全新的一套关键字研究.


2 . ebay是一个很大的地方,寻找未开发的市场.他们从字面上有数以千计的关键词,只等待我们去发掘.他们提供无限次数的市场,你可以研究,在深入权拍卖.

我建议你开始你的旅程,在 .这是ebay的关键词.这是一个目录成千上万的高度流行用语人们寻求拍卖.这是极为宝贵的资料,因为这些都是关键字,有潜在利润和顾客都愿意买.

一旦你到达 ,你必须点击一个字母,从字母连接索引.然后,你可以浏览一些流行关键词分龛你认为可发掘.点击该关键字,你将会被带到一个页面会给你有关搜索和搜索的修饰.堵塞这些关键字在看看你找到.

另一种方式找到接口ebay上是去 .这个数据库会给你一个更大的关键词列表.只花一点点时间的摸索,在这里你一定会发现一些张口高关键字出价.很多的关键词,你会发现这里也有很小的竞争.

我也想回头看 .在这里你可以搜索


Google Plans To Outsource AdSense Billing谷歌计划外包的AdSense帐单

95% of Google's revenue comes from their AdSense/AdWords services. Last year, the search engine made $962 million in 2003 revenue and $106 million in profits. On April 30, 2004, Google filed with SEC to offer its stock to the public. In the long filing, Google laid its financial information, as well as some of the company's key risks.

One of the risks Google mentioned was moving its worldwide billing and collection to a third-party service provider. "We have no experience managing and implementing this type of large-scale, cross-functional, international infrastructure project," says Google via BaselineMag.

The risk Google refers to is the change over process. Google stated in the filing that "if this transition is not successful, our business and operations could be disrupted and our operating results would be harmed." When 95% of your revenue comes from service in which you are looking to change, it's easy to see why Google has concerns.

As of now, Google has not named the third-party company that will be handling the responsibility of the changeover.

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Your source for investigative ebusiness reporting and breaking news
95 %的谷歌的收入来自他们的AdSense / AdWords服务。 Last year, the search engine made $962 million in 2003 revenue and $106 million in profits.去年,搜索引擎取得九万六千二百点○○○万美元在2003年的收入和1.06亿美元的利润。 On April 30, 2004, Google filed with SEC to offer its stock to the public. 4月30日, 2004年,谷歌提交给美国证券交易委员会提供其股票给公众。 In the long filing, Google laid its financial information, as well as some of the company's key risks.在长期归档,谷歌奠定其财务信息,以及一些公司的主要风险。

One of the risks Google mentioned was moving its worldwide billing and collection to a third-party service provider.其中提到的风险谷歌正在其全球结算和收集到的第三方服务提供商。 "We have no experience managing and implementing this type of large-scale, cross-functional, international infrastructure project," says Google via BaselineMag. “我们没有经验,管理和执行这种类型的大型,跨职能部门,基础设施项目国际说, ”谷歌通过BaselineMag 。

The risk Google refers to is the change over process.谷歌的风险指的是变化的过程。 Google stated in the filing that "if this transition is not successful, our business and operations could be disrupted and our operating results would be harmed."谷歌中所指出的备案, “如果这种过渡是没有成功,我们的业务和业务可以中断,公司的经营业绩将受到损害。 ” When 95% of your revenue comes from service in which you are looking to change, it's easy to see why Google has concerns.当95 %的收入来自服务,您正在寻找改变,很容易明白为什么谷歌的关注。

As of now, Google has not named the third-party company that will be handling the responsibility of the changeover.截至目前,谷歌未命名的第三方公司,将处理的责任转换。

WebProNews | Breaking eBusiness News WebProNews |打破电子商务新闻
Your source for investigative ebusiness reporting and breaking news.您的来源进行调查电子商务的报告和突发新闻。


提高垃圾站Google Adsense点击率和单价的方法

提高垃圾站Google Adsense点击率和单价的方法


  垃圾站是网络时代的快速消费品,垃圾站的最大特征就是信息在互联网上高度重复,所以垃圾站在搜索引擎眼里的价值相当有限。但是由于垃圾站的技术含量和制作成本相对较低,所以越来越多的人利用它来投放Google Adsense。

  遗憾的是很多站长会发现垃圾站投放Google Adsense不是一个非常明智的选择,尽管垃圾站能在很短的时间内产生大量的流量和点击,但是同时也发现来自垃圾站点的广告点击单价越来越低,低到 0.01美元每点击甚至更低。尽管如此,有不少站长觉得这样的交易依然合算,所以就不断地制造垃圾站点,毕竟垃圾站点能在开始的一段时间获得一笔不错的收入,这时候我们听说有人一年做了几十或者几百个站点就不奇怪了。

  其实事情远远没有这么悲观,只要我们站在搜索引擎尤其是Google的立场上去看待垃圾站的内容,我们很容易提高垃圾站点Google Adsense广告单价直接影响Google Adsense广告单价的参数:广告匹配度、转换率和网站的重要性(等级)。


  大体来说,购买力越强的市场广告单价水平会总体较高,我们所涉及到的广告主要是英文和简体中文,从国外普通站长发布者的情况看(不含职业的发布者和作弊情况),英文站点的广告点击收入在0.10美元左右,中文站点的广告根据主题不同差距很大,总体水平能在0.04美元左右。当然很多人会远高或低于这个值, 那是个别情况。

  我们要说的是垃圾站点,做一个成功的垃圾站点是一门大学问,尤其是制作和推广的技巧,我知道有很多人有很高超的手法,我们可以参与不同的论坛和阅读他们的文章去了解。这里说的是垃圾站点广告单价,不在乎它有多少访问量有多少点击,我们要做的是即便只有一个点击,他的收入也要 在0.04美元以上。





  有一个特例,选关键词要回避那些职业的和非常了解Google Adwords的行业,比如中国的虚拟主机和交友之类,尽管竞争很激烈但是这样的广告主熟悉adsense的游戏方式,他们会通过很低的价格获得流量。


  不管在什么地方都会有人谈用户体验,而要有一个高的广告价格用户体验也相当重要。最简单的方式就是把自己也当作一个访问者,会不会对自己做的站点有兴趣,用 户体验的优秀程度影响着广告的转换率,所以直接关系到你的广告单价。你要把每个访问你站点的人当作你的赚钱对象,所以你得对他好。



  你可以不奢望用户访问之后还会再来,最起码得让他们有兴趣把他打开的页面看完,这是Google Adsense的最低用户体验。实现这个也不难,把你的页面结构设计得合理一些,颜色搭配和谐一些,网站内容规范一些,信息完整一些,就足够了。





  Google Adsense最中意的是文本内容,因为那样可以更加方便地获取关键词和匹配广告。Google Adsense的技术一直在改进,目前通过JS投放的广告匹配不受影响,iframe投放可能依然有一些问题。尽量避免大两的图片或者FLASH的页面, 这样的页面很难匹配到广告,更不用说准确匹配了

  Google Adsense的关键词定位也是非常复杂,它会考虑很多因素,包括域名和url的名称、meta的内容和页面的内容,这些都直接影响着你的网页上出现的广告,所以你得注意你网页上的任何一个内容,让他忠实于你的主题。


  更新是一个网站必须的,搜索引擎更喜欢不断更新的站点,除非你的站点评级非常高,否则你比不过那个采集你但是保持更新的站,Google Adsense也一样

  很多人的确是在更新并且在不断更新,因为设置采集更新不是一件特别复杂的事情,只是他忽略了一个重大的问题:差异性。做垃圾站除了优化的技巧以外,更重要的 是差异性。因为垃圾站最大的缺陷就是内容在互联网上高度重复,而发布者可以通过差异更新来克服这个弱点,如果不再是一个高度重复的内容而是独有的,那么至 少在搜索引擎眼里就不再是垃圾站点

  差异更新包括新增内容和编辑之前的内容。简而言之就是让你的信息和他人的不再一样,你可以通过编辑标题,文本内容的结构来实现。这样的工作你需要坚持地做,直到你的很多内容都和互联网上的有差异,然后你的垃圾站就成了一个好站点,Google Adsense会喜欢的

  差异更新包括新增内容和编辑之前的内容。简而言之就是让你的信息和他人的不再一样,你可以通过编辑标题,文本内容的结构来实现。这样的工作你需要坚持地做,直到你的很多内容都和互联网上的有差异,然后你的垃圾站就成了一个好站点,Google Adsense会喜欢的

  大体的原则差不多就这些,具体的执行情况个人不同所以会有很大的差距。不过我们需要知道没有适合所有人的灵丹妙药,从某种程度上讲广告主的预算一定的情况 下,各个站长在努力争取更多的一部分,不会出现所有站长都能赚大钱的情况。如果你发现你努力了但是单价依然很低,那么有可能是其他人比你更加努力或者这些 建议并不适合你。你可以访问广告发布者论坛,看看其他人给的一些建议,或许你会有新的启发。



  你可以不奢望用户访问之后还会再来,最起码得让他们有兴趣把他打开的页面看完,这是Google Adsense的最低用户体验。实现这个也不难,把你的页面结构设计得合理一些,颜色搭配和谐一些,网站内容规范一些,信息完整一些,就足够了。





  Google Adsense最中意的是文本内容,因为那样可以更加方便地获取关键词和匹配广告。Google Adsense的技术一直在改进,目前通过JS投放的广告匹配不受影响,iframe投放可能依然有一些问题。尽量避免大两的图片或者FLASH的页面, 这样的页面很难匹配到广告,更不用说准确匹配了

  Google Adsense的关键词定位也是非常复杂,它会考虑很多因素,包括域名和url的名称、meta的内容和页面的内容,这些都直接影响着你的网页上出现的广告,所以你得注意你网页上的任何一个内容,让他忠实于你的主题。


  更新是一个网站必须的,搜索引擎更喜欢不断更新的站点,除非你的站点评级非常高,否则你比不过那个采集你但是保持更新的站,Google Adsense也一样

  很多人的确是在更新并且在不断更新,因为设置采集更新不是一件特别复杂的事情,只是他忽略了一个重大的问题:差异性。做垃圾站除了优化的技巧以外,更重要的 是差异性。因为垃圾站最大的缺陷就是内容在互联网上高度重复,而发布者可以通过差异更新来克服这个弱点,如果不再是一个高度重复的内容而是独有的,那么至 少在搜索引擎眼里就不再是垃圾站点

  差异更新包括新增内容和编辑之前的内容。简而言之就是让你的信息和他人的不再一样,你可以通过编辑标题,文本内容的结构来实现。这样的工作你需要坚持地做,直到你的很多内容都和互联网上的有差异,然后你的垃圾站就成了一个好站点,Google Adsense会喜欢的

  差异更新包括新增内容和编辑之前的内容。简而言之就是让你的信息和他人的不再一样,你可以通过编辑标题,文本内容的结构来实现。这样的工作你需要坚持地做,直到你的很多内容都和互联网上的有差异,然后你的垃圾站就成了一个好站点,Google Adsense会喜欢的

  大体的原则差不多就这些,具体的执行情况个人不同所以会有很大的差距。不过我们需要知道没有适合所有人的灵丹妙药,从某种程度上讲广告主的预算一定的情况 下,各个站长在努力争取更多的一部分,不会出现所有站长都能赚大钱的情况。如果你发现你努力了但是单价依然很低,那么有可能是其他人比你更加努力或者这些 建议并不适合你。你可以访问广告发布者论坛,看看其他人给的一些建议,或许你会有新的启发。


Google 怎样将广告定位到我的网站上?

Google 怎样将广告定位到我的网站上?
hnpyjing 2008-09-16 阅读 420 次 我要投稿
简单说来,我们向您提供 adsense HTML 广告代码,这些代码可以置入您希望展示 Google 广告的网页上。其他的工作由我们去做,即利用 Google 专有搜索技术与网页排名技术向这些内容网页投放相关的 Google 广告。

我们能够理解网页的上下文和内容,而不是只停留在简单的关键字匹配上。基于包括关键字分析、词语频率、字体大小和 Web 整体链接结构之类因素的精深的算法,我们可以知道一个网页的主要内容,并且可以将 Google 广告与每一页精确匹配。

Google 还提供了网站定位广告选项,允许广告客户在 adsense 网络中选择特定网站投放广告。这些广告不采用关键字定位,而是允许广告客户自主选择市场,从而充分挖掘目标受众。

我们的技术还可以确定网页的主要语言。如果网页内容采用我们的计划所支持的语言,adsense 可以针对您的内容投放相应语言的广告。此外,Google 广告还可以针对访问者所在地点进行地理定位。


被Google Adsense除名后该怎么办?

被Google Adsense除名后该怎么办?
hnpyjing 2008-09-16 阅读 412 次 我要投稿
want to do when you're kicked out of Adsense

被 Adsense 除名后怎么办?

I see threads here all the time from people who are either concerned with getting the "fraudulent clicks" letter, or they've gotten them and now want to know how to get back in.


I am one of a handful of people (that I'm aware of) who have had my account knocked out for invalid clicks and been reinstated a couple of months later.


So, here's a little tip guide primer on what to expect and what to do.


A few things first:


A) You will not receive any check that is currently unprocessed. Consider that payment forfeited (and don't threaten google with a lawsuit to recover it - it will just make things much, much worse).


B) Do confess to them any and all circumstances where you might have screwed up. If you didn't screw up and are genuinely baffled you will need your server logs to locate suspicious activity. I highly recommend getting click tracking software to monitor your ads for exactly this scenario. If you don't have server logs or tracking software, YOU are at fault by default.


C) The account disabling was both automated and then verified manually. Google examines the location of where clicks were coming from. If they see that too many clicks are from the same geographic area as where they send your check (or the ip you log in from) that sets off a red flag. Competitors clicking on your ads is something Google is well aware of and can track as well (they know their geographic area too)


To get your account reinstated:


A)Write google an apology and discuss steps you've taken so the situation won't arise in the future. Don't avoid blame, even if you knew nothing about what your friends were doing when they decided to "help" you by clicking on your ads. The fact is, by revealing information about how you make money to someone else, you are setting yourself up for this situation. I'm not being judgemental, just telling you how Google sees it. In your letter to them, recognize and admit this.


B)Offer to make good on any fraudulent clicks. They won't take you up on it, but they will know that you are genuinely sorry and want to keep their business.


C)Contact someone at google directly. Don't just send off a random email to Go to a webmasterworld conference. Meet someone in their company. Use that In when the conference is over. Worst case scenario, BUY an In into the company. Does someone you know have an In there? Offer to pay them to to speak to their In on your behalf. A big adwords spender with a personal ad rep is a good place to begin.


D)Seek out text ad competition immediately. Even if the ads aren't as high-paying as Googles (and they won't be), it will break the sting of losing all of your income until Google does come back around to review your case.


E)Be persistent, but polite. Send a letter (a new one) once a week. Keep reiterating your loyalty to their program and how you are prepared to write letters forever until they will understand you are committed to following their rules if they will reaccept you.


Now for the bad news....


None of this will probably help. To be reviewed for readmission, your site must be large enough that the revenue is worth a potentially risky business move.


If they don't answer your letters anymore and all hope is lost, you are now left with basically one recourse assuming you really want to be in their program: Change your domain name, bank account, IP address, ISP and site design. Wait two months, then take on a partner you trust. Reapply for the program under this new partner's name and address, (now especially possible given Google's automatic deposit program). Learn from your mistakes and never do anything that can potentially result in your ads being clicked on fraudulently again. So, really, get a partner you can trust will not click as well.


To anyone else who hasn't been kicked out yet and never wants to be:


A)Shut up about how you make money when talking to friends and family. Let them privately think you run a bestiality porn site or something. It's still better than them clicking on your ads


B)Disable ads for your own ip and local geographic region, if you have access to that data and it won't hurt your business. Ditto with your competition's ip address. If you don't know it, write him an email pretending to be a customer and look at his return headers.


C)Get click-monitoring software and check it daily. Be vigilant in notifying Google about what YOU think is fraud, even if they don't. Your notifications to them will come in especially handy should your account ever be flagged by them. You'll be remembered as honest.


D)Think of Google for the long term, not the short term. So you're having a bad month and think clicking on an ad you might be interested in anyway doesn't hurt anyone? You're wrong. This month might be bad. Next month will be good. Google revenue is about long term averages. Is a few cents click worth the loss of thousands of dollars in the long term? Definitely not.


Take it from me, I've been there, been put out on the street, and eventually been reaccepted (after a lot of hard work). It can and does happen to any of us. Just make sure the odds of it happening to you are as slim as possible.


:《Google Adsense的秘密》Google AdSense广告提高点击率

如何优化Google AdSense广告提高点击率
hnpyjing 2008-09-16 阅读 337 次 我要投稿
1 广告形式:美化你的广告以获得成功 你喜欢哪一种类型的广告:旗帜?摩天大楼?长方形,还是正方形?边框和背景用什么颜色?





2 别让你的广告看起来象广告 人们不是为了看广告而访问你的网站,他们要的是内容。






3 用文字广告代替图片广告 文字广告的优势比图片广告多得多。

A. 采用合适的广告形式,文字广告可以很好的和网站内容结合成一体。而图片广告在外观上则不会有那么多的选择,你只能改变它的尺寸和位置。

B. 你可以在一个旗帜广告的空间里放置多个文字广告,人们喜欢拥有更多的选择。

C. 几个外观协调的文字广告放在一起不会显得乱七八糟,而旗帜广告就没那么容易做到。

D. 人们讨厌旗帜广告,看都不看它们。许多试验也证实浏览者更关注与网站内容相关的文字广告。


4 最佳的广告尺寸 现在你已经会使用文字广告了,并且使它看上去不那么像广告。接下来它还需要一个特定的尺寸。多大的尺寸比较好呢?














本文摘自:《Google Adsense的秘密》作者:Joel Comm

谷歌Google AdSense把广告变成有用信息

谷歌Google AdSense把广告变成有用信息
hnpyjing 2008-09-19 阅读 1539 次 我要投稿





来源:www.guyoucn.com股友网 你涨停我精彩

七招如何防止自己的Google Adsense账号违规被封

如何防止自己的Google Adsense账号违规被封
hnpyjing 2008-09-19 阅读 2899 次 我要投稿
  在一些论坛经常可以看到,有一些站长抱怨自己的Google AdSense账号被Google给封了,那导致自己被封的原因有那些呢?如何防止自己的Google AdSense账号被封呢?下面我就来总结一下:


  第一段已经说过了,最重要的一条,也是大家最容易犯的错误。也许你觉得删除Cookies、换个IP、伪装个MAC码就可以骗过Google ,其实这个做绝对危险,不仅网卡有唯一的编号(MAC号),其它硬件如CPU、硬盘、显卡也是有唯一编号的哦!谁知道Google是通过记录哪个号来判断作弊行为的!






  上回看到一个网页,整个页面就是由Google Adsense构成,根本没有内容,而且还是英文站(原则上讲,Google不允许国内IP点击英文广告),不封它封谁?Google Adsense允许用户在同一页面投放广告的数量是:3个广告单元,3个推介单元,3个链接单元,2个搜索框。


  不要做无用关键词的堆积,更不要用和背景相同颜色的关键字,这已经是上个世纪的方法了,就不要再用了,容易被Google Adsense 封号不说,还容易被搜索引擎打入冷宫。


  Google允许在一个页面上使用单层 iframe 最多投放一个广告单元。所以用框架做Google是安全的,但不是注意不要修改广告的定位和展示方式。


  Google Adsense的广告只能用在网页和手机中,不能放在软件或者E-mail里,如果你是软件作者,拥有自己的软件,不要在软件里加入Google Adsense的广告,你可以申请百度联盟,捆绑百度超级搜霸,用户在安装百度超级搜霸后,点击搜霸搜索产生的竞价推广内容,你就会获得竞价收入分成。

来源:股友网www.guyoucn.com你涨停 我精彩

教你7天内"手动"搞定Google AdSense的PIN码

教你7天内搞定Google AdSense的PIN码
hnpyjing 2008-09-24 阅读 1841 次 我要投稿
做Google AdSense算起来3个月了,期间收到了三次钱,不多,还算可以吧。看到很多朋友特别是新人朋友因为Google AdSense的PIN码一直收不到而头痛不已。


很多朋友不愿意去看Google AdSense的政策或是帮助中心的内容,而总抱怨Google的工作效率低下;其实不然,如果你按照Google AdSense的相关规定和程序来反映问题的话,得到解答的速度是十分迅速的,一般的工作日,24小时内肯定给予解决。



其实,我们完全可以在PIN码确认被发出来后的第二天,就写信给Google AdSense,告诉他们你的家庭地址,由于某某原因发生了变化,或是由于你的家庭住址因为某某原因,可能无法收到PIN码,需要AdSense小组给予提供PIN码的手动确认服务。








写信给Google AdSense或是通过网页提交:





Google AdSense邮寄PIN码显然不太适合中国的国情,既然是提供了手动确认服务,虽然是麻烦点,相比有些站长一直收不到PIN码要好的多。

来源 作者:wy8171

Google AdSense 收入份额是多少?

Google AdSense 收入份额是多少?
hnpyjing 2008-09-16 阅读 378 次 我要投稿
尽管我们不会透露 Google adsense 的收入份额,但我们的目标是保证发布商获得的收入不会少于他们加入其他广告网所能获得的收入。

我们提供详细的在线报告,供您跟踪收入情况。您开始在自己的网站上投放广告后,就可以随时访问报告页查看收入情况,这些页面为您显示了网页展示次数、广告点击次数、点击率 (CTR)、有效每千次展示费用以及总收入。此类信息可以帮助您了解这一计划的执行效果以及一段时间内预计能够获得的收入。

来源:GOOGLE www.guyoucn.com友情支持

Fast row tumor characteristics, treatment for cancer快速排瘤治疗癌症特色疗法

One or the transfer of advanced cancer, in general survival of only a few months, the extraordinarily rapid development of the disease, treatment must race against time, to control the development of cancer, life-saving is a priority,
Chinese medicine detoxification, scheduled for tumor therapy are highly lethal cancer in the near future will be able to control the disease.

The second will seek medical treatment at the exclusive tumor Services net, do not stay hidden, for 15 days -30 days discharge tumor.

Three advanced cancer pain, bedridden, poor appetite, the dialectical theory of governance 7 days -15 days of their desired effect.

What is a tumor row fast therapy?

Tumor row fast is the application of Chinese medicine syndrome differentiation therapy, the use of anti-cancer medicine from the tumor to the human body connected with the outside world in different ways to discharge in order to reach the tumor characteristics of a therapy.

2 row tumor therapy is how to row out of the cancer? Cancer who will be able to row out of this cancer?

Pai tumor therapy used in Chinese medicine for anti-cancer cells have a strong mass destruction, can kill cancer cells, cancer cells in the human body after the necrosis has become necrotic tissue, and the human body has the ability to remove necrotic tissue, so that the necrotizing cancer Organization of the human body through the channels with the outside world, eliminated from the body, so as to achieve the purpose of the treatment of cancer, we know that the human body is connected with the outside world, for example, we breathe every day, urine, sweat, eat, drink plenty of water are all human and The outside world for exchange, these are the human body through different channels (trachea, esophagus, gastrointestinal) to achieve, as necrosis of the cancer as well as the human body through which the pipeline scheduling, for example, as a result of central lung cancer Close to the main bronchus, the necrosis can be adopted by the main bronchial cough, stomach, esophagus, colon through the intestinal row, cervical cancer through vaginal discharge. Of course, some cancer is not out of the row, such as breast cancer, brain tumors, pancreatic cancer, where cancer because they are not part of the same channels with the outside world, the cancer treatment drug by cancer cells so that the necrotizing human being Or absorption of calcium or to achieve cure.

3 tumor row fast therapy with other anti-cancer therapy What is the difference?

(1) Yidugongdu - toxins - ranked Chinese medicine to treat cancer tumors is the main line

The treatment of cancer, whether Western or Chinese medicine has a main line, which is the main treatment for Western medicine, surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy is the main line, is the main treatment for decades has been the case, the majority of cancer patients After the diagnosis of choice for surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy are reasonable, and its effect is still positive. Radiotherapy and chemotherapy is aimed at fast, a lot of killing cancer cells, controlling the disease progresses, surgical removal of cancer is to achieve the purpose of radical, In that case, Chinese medicine in the treatment of cancer is like Western medicine as it is also a main line? The answer is yes, that is: Yidugongdu - toxins - ranked tumor, his purpose is the same as with Western medicine, but also fast and a lot of killing To eliminate cancer cells, is the same in order to eradicate the tumor, at this point, traditional Chinese and western medicine treatments can be described as happens to coincide with similar, the problem is that in Chinese medicine treatment, the number of cancer patients in the use of such Way to do that? That is why many cancer patients in traditional Chinese medicine after the service to improve the symptoms of the good, but survival is still a very short period of the main reasons. As a result, in the treatment of cancer, Chinese and Western medicine in fact taken the same path, it is mainly Quxie only way to different means, the Chinese medicine Yidugongdu equivalent to chemotherapy, but drug use, Pai Toxic platoon equivalent to the tumor surgery, but different means, but there is only one purpose, that is, in order to cure disease, and other therapies, such as the Western equivalent of immunotherapy Fuzheng foundation of Chinese medicine, blood circulation, and so on are all complementary therapy, As patients, the choice of Chinese medicine treatment time should know that.

(2) tumor row fast therapy for cancer is in the context of mass destruction has been greatly improved, so that the necrotizing and can be scheduled by the Organization of cancer

The characteristics of the other anti-cancer traditional Chinese medicine is not available, thus effectively improving the cure rate and remission rate, we know that cancer is the rapid pace of development, a short period of time can be deadly, the late General And the transfer of the survival of cancer only a few months, many patients with multi-doctor, and eat a lot of traditional Chinese medicine, but in the end, or the death of the most fundamental reason is that the traditional Chinese medicine services for cancer of the lack of mass destruction can not be Effective control of the development of cancer, non-exclusive and detoxification tumor effect, although at that time can ease the symptoms, but in the long term, remains beyond the control of the development of cancer, the painful lessons every day, Tens of thousands of far more than that in order to control the development of cancer, it is necessary to Quxie from the point of view, that is, from the perspective of killing cancer cells, Western medicine and surgery chemotherapy is the head, Pai tumor therapy In this sense, , And coincides with surgery and chemotherapy is that they are for a common purpose - to kill cancer cells and therefore achieve a better effect.

(3) belonging to the radical Chinese medicine therapy

At present, Chinese medicine treatment for cancer at the main radical and palliative two main methods of Chinese medicine therapy as radical surgery, can kill cancer cells achieve the purpose of healing, but the present, the Chinese medicine can cure cancer therapy is also very little , Palliative therapy is to alleviate the symptoms but not really solve the current health care market as the most common, Fuzheng to consolidate and enhance the body immune system, blood circulation, and Ruanjian Sanjie all types of anti-cancer Chinese medicines, including Yao Zhunzi States, Are palliative therapy. Yidugongdu, detoxification, ranked tumor therapy belonging to the radical Chinese medicine therapy area.

(4) has a long-term effect

Cancer treatment is mainly to see long-term effect of the current health care market, the existing anti-cancer Chinese medicines 1-2 months of bad results, but over time, a few months later still can not control the disease progresses, many patients This is the death of the main cancer is the fast pace of development, most recently, we have a follow-up to March since we consulted the nearly 100 cancer patients, Jin Ge 4 months, of which more than 30 patients had died , And inquired about their treatment and after treatment, most of this is the case, which has a lot of patients have been treated very good opportunities because of their improper treatment of choice and opportunity lost. Therefore, patients with cancer patients, Chinese medicine is the last chance to run for their lives, the choice of some kind of anti-cancer drugs, we must consider the long-term effect.

4 row rapid tumor therapy is successfully developed and how? Which has gone through the process?

Rapid tumor therapy schedule was arrived at after more than 20 years of clinical development to explore the success of our clinical found that once the formation of tumors, grew up in a short period of time will be doubled in tumor tissue: For example: Without treatment, gastric cancer, Colorectal cancer, liver cancer, pancreatic cancer, esophageal cancer is on average doubling time of 33 days; breast cancer doubling time is more than 40 days, in general, for advanced lung cancer live an average of 80% for 1 year, and other advanced cancer survival General several months, if the delay in tumor treatment, not only doubled the cost of treatment and treatment success rate is much lower view of this, the treatment of tumors must race against time, must be "early detection, early diagnosis and early treatment" . We have just started the treatment of cancer is also the time to use common treatment methods, such as to increase the body immune system, blood circulation, and so on Ruanjian Sanjie, but found that the main short-term effect is good, especially the transfer of advanced and, well Phase effect is not good, long-term survival can not be just the beginning of traditional Chinese medicine services, well, but over time, a few months or even a year or increase the illness, is the main reason for not quickly and effectively kill Cancer cells, in order to be able to look for cancer cells to kill an effective anti-cancer effects of the therapy to further improve the efficacy and long-term cure rate, only to return to the motherland in the treasure house of the medicine in search of better treatment, so we read A lot of classical Chinese medicine and the medical history of literature, had a long-term exploration and research, only to buy a data input that is more than 10 million yuan in the study, doctors found that many of the history row with tumor treatment therapy, the effect of magic , The ingenious methods, are already legendary, even more amazing is that 3,000 years ago, "Huang Di Nei Jing" We have developed a scientific treatment of cancer of the principles and methods.

1, "Huang Di Nei Jing-really want to ask big", said: "The cutting of Caine who, in addition to the passenger, who scattered the end, those who attack the tumor, robbed of the thin, the opening of fat, Right thing for the degree. "In addition to those passengers", "those who attack the tumor" that is a class of tumor diseases must take the approach Zhuyu eliminated from the body, "Huang Di Nei Jing Lingshu * * expansion of water": that : "He Ru Jia Shi? Bo Qi said: Shi Jia was born in the cell, the chill in the passenger-door, door-blocking, gas can not pass, the bad blood is not spilled when the crash, leaving only to Pei and Japan in order to benefit, like a pregnant child, not to present Yueshi , Both born woman, and under the guide of "Shi Jia, the equivalent of today's cervical cancer, that is, as this type of cancer of malignant diseases and diseases can be used under the lead of the therapy to treat. After that, in medical history" Huang Di Nei Jing "principle under the guidance of the continuous development and innovation.

2, Zhang Han Dynasty in the "typhoid fever" in the first row with the three-tumor effect, Dachengqitang, depression chest big soup, Didangtang, scheduled for tumor therapy has laid a foundation for clinical.

3, Kim Won-time four doctors DAVID home and take Chinese medicine is to send a representative of his platoon to use the same tumor abdominal tumor therapy in the treatment of his case, "the pro-Confucian thing door * * Juan Ba Ji-block" in a record Medical Records: "orchard Liu Ping's wife, a baby such as ladle block, say 18 years, cut off by water, Zhufawucuo, so that people wear in January of four Chung, six under, one Qutan, Second barrels, and it does not matter, like Kwai dishes, like the bad form incorrectly, when Chung Ju-I guess the wood, such as sleep plot scratch disease, and Ping gradually. "

4, well-known medical scientist in the Qing Dynasty-Ju Wu, Qing Dynasty is one of the four doctors, and his book, "Wen disease be identified," is listed as the four classic Chinese medicine, the use of his platoon tumor therapy stomach tumor, " Wu Ju-Medical Records * * Paper 3 fresh a rancid, "it reads:" Fu, 55-year-old, first as a result of drinking in restaurants, food burning ring pig skin, and just swallow, faint under the micro-heart pain, pain in January after Plus there, do not seek medical modulating effect a year, in May the following year a drinking water, stomach pain, such as knife cuts, cooked rice had not swallow on Yu Yi, a leap early May 8, an account has been no less than on the 10th, bones, Mianchi Such as red, sore stomach from as high Peach, the press can not tolerate more pain, said Yu, also separated from the food, now of the Iraqi family did not dare re-square service, and then signed a bowl of services, from umbilical pain, serving two Bowl, to lower abdomen pain, three bowls of service, to anal pain, the pain can not tolerate, and not the next. And then for a half agent, a bowl of service, plus honey guide law before the next such as eggs, and black hair, not Kennedy Broken, the day after taking the bad side Banwan, drink porridge soup the next day, three days eating porridge, cooked rice to eat five say. "

5, four medical facilities in contemporary Beijing and Mexico, also use this schedule tumor therapy of cervical cancer, "Shi Mexican this set of clinical experience," recorded in the case of cervical cancer testing, "Zhao Moumou, female, 46 years old, in April 1955 In the Union Medical College Hospital diagnosed with cervical cancer 2-3, at the time of cancer patients have been transferred to the pelvis, lost the opportunity to surgery, radiation therapy after the condition worsened, has been bedridden, on the verge of death, Mr. Shi Mexican this four-treatment clinic, from the vagina Large spherical emissions in the walnut meat rotten to the core piece of tissue like a honeycomb, quality hardware, and then on patients with symptoms have been alleviated by two years of treatment in patients with the disease so that finally a marked improvement from 1957 to 1964, seven years follow-up on a regular basis is still Health as usual. "

6, Mr. Pu Fuzhou in China's contemporary famous medical scientist, former vice president of the China Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine, as Chairman Mao's long-term, Premier Zhou's medical care, he ranked with the same tumor therapy Shi Jia (uterine tumors), "Pu Fuzhou medical * The case of Shi Jia, "reads:" Chen, female, 23 years old, multi-March period has not wave the stomach pain gradually, hard lower abdomen, hands can not be the last, bloody days, the hospital has ruled out pregnancy, in order to rule the old Po, Po Old said, "" * Lingshu water expansion "::" He Ru Jia Shi? Bo Qi said: Shi Jia was born in the cell, the chill in the passenger-door, door-blocking, gas can not pass, the bad blood spilled when the diarrhea is not, Pei Only to stay and Japan in order to benefit, like a pregnant child, not to Yueshi today, women are born, and under the guide of "the F-strong body, and the main agent in order to **, Wen-breaking Kennedy, served A, under the charge of a large black blood, a marginal decrease in pain, based on the original side before going into the next day his sister to come, about a medication, the patient suddenly collapsed, I do not know the personnel, and also hand-foot-cold for a blood clot, such as To a bowl, such as eggs are more than several, multi-color black blood, a short while, from hand-foot-Wen, mind-money gradually, to adjust the original, three months, patients with medication, no bloodshed, but even the next-dregs Matter, this morning under the rehabilitation debris large eggs, white color, such as the Kennedy Stone, left the toilet, but unfortunately not to send its laboratory analysis, in order to re-conditioning tonic, and January, to restore health, menstrual period should be to all Normal.

Through the study of medical history of clinical experience, we will be one of the best part of the show, combined with his years of clinical experience and medical history will be used for innovative medicine, summed up our own schedule anti-cancer tumor therapy, a few 20 Years of research in this area has continued, with a view to cure more patients.

5 row tumor therapy drugs composed of what?

To cure cancer, with the general blood circulation, Fuzheng foundation of medicine effect was not obvious, the tumor therapy in the treatment schedule, as Kim Won-four medical home written by Zhu Dan, "the Council to play," said: "Virtual The plot cold, unusual vegetation can cure. " As a result, our medical history and prescription anti-tumor drugs for the collation and mining, on this basis, combined with our own clinical experience, the selection of tumor tissue and tumor row with the strong medicine of mass destruction, their body Tumors with high clearance rate is pure Chinese medicine preparation, according to the patient's condition to implement different dialectical theory of governance, and individualized treatment.

This is part of the medication for cancer patients after discharge necrosis of cancer tissue samples:
一 癌症晚期或有转移,一般存活期仅有几个月的时间,病情发展非常迅速,治疗上要争分夺秒,因此,控制癌症的发展,抢救生命是当务之急,

二 治病必求于本,排瘤务净,不留隐患,15天-30天开始排出肿瘤。

三 晚期癌症剧烈疼痛,卧床不起,食欲差者,辩证论治7天-15天开始见效。

1 什么是快速排瘤疗法?


2 排瘤疗法是如何将癌组织排出来的?凡是癌症都能将癌组织排出来吗?

排瘤疗法所用的抗癌中药对癌细胞有很强的杀伤力,可以杀灭癌细胞,癌细胞坏死后在人体内就成了坏死组织,而人体具有清除坏死组织的能力,使坏死的癌组织通过人体与外界的渠道排出体外,从而达到治疗癌症的目的,我们知道,人体与外界是相通的,例如,我们每天的呼吸,大小便,出汗, 吃饭,喝水都是人体与外界进行交换,这些都是通过人体内的不同管道(气管,食道,肠道)来实现的,做为坏死的癌组织,也同样可以通过人体内的这些管道排出来,如, 中心型肺癌因靠近主支气管,所以坏死后可以通过主支气管咳出来,胃癌,食道癌,肠癌通过肠道排出来,宫颈癌通过阴道排出。 当然,也有些癌组织是排不出来的,如,乳腺癌,脑瘤,胰腺癌,因为这些癌组织所在部位没有管道与外界相通,这些癌症的治疗是通过药物使癌细胞坏死后被人体或吸收或钙化,从而达到治愈的目的。

3 快速排瘤疗法与其它抗癌疗法有什么不同?






目前,中医治疗癌症主要分根治和姑息两种主要方法,中医根治疗法如同手术一样,可以杀灭癌细胞达到治愈的目的,但就目前来说,能够根治癌症的中医疗法还很少,姑息疗法主要是缓解症状,不能根治,目前医疗市场上最常见的如,扶正固本,提高机体免疫力,活血化瘀,软坚散结及各类抗癌中成药,包括国药准字,都属于姑息疗法。 以毒攻毒,排毒,排瘤疗法属于中医根治疗法的范畴。


癌症的治疗主要是看远期疗效,目前医疗市场上现有的抗癌中成药1-2个月内效果还不错,但时间一长,几个月以后仍然不能控制病情的发展,许多患者就是这样去世的,主要是癌症的发展速度太快,最近,我们随访了3月份以来向我们咨询过的近百名癌症患者,仅隔4个月,其中的30多位患者就已经去世了,询问他们的治疗经过及用药情况,大多是这种情况, 其中很多患者本来有着很好的治疗机会,由于他们治疗方法选择的不当而失去了机会。所以,对肿瘤患者患者来说,中医是最后的一次逃命机会,在选择某种抗癌药的时候,一定要考虑远期疗效。

4 快速排瘤疗法是怎样研制成功的?经历了哪些过程?

快速排瘤疗法是我们经过20余年的临床摸索才研制成功的,我们在临床中发现,肿瘤一旦形成,短时间内肿瘤组织就会长大一倍:例如:在不治疗的情况下,胃癌、肠癌、肝癌、胰腺癌、食道癌的倍增时间平均是33天;乳腺癌倍增时间是40多天,一般来说,晚期肺癌的80%平均存活期为1年,其它晚期癌症存活期一般几个月,因此,肿瘤的治疗如果延误,不仅导致治疗费用成倍增加,而且治疗成功率大大降低,有鉴于此,肿瘤的治疗必须争分夺秒,一定要“早发现、早诊断、早治疗”。 我们刚开始治疗癌症的时候也是用一般常见的治疗方法,如,提高机体免疫力,活血化瘀,软坚散结等等,但发现主要是近期疗效好,尤其是晚期和转移的,远期疗效并不好,不能长期存活,刚一开始服中药的时候,效果很好,但时间一长,过了几个月甚至一年病情还是加重,其主要原因就是不能快速,有效地杀灭癌细胞,为了寻找能够将癌细胞有效杀灭的特效抗癌疗法,进一步提高远期疗效和治愈率,只有回到祖国医学这座宝库中去寻找更好的治疗方法,因此,我们阅读了大量的中医经典和历代名医的文献资料,进行了长期的探索和研究,仅购买资料一项即投入十余万元,在学习的过程中,发现许多历代名医用排瘤疗法治病,其疗效之神奇,方法之巧妙,令人叹为观止,更让人惊异的是三千年前的《黄帝内经》就已经为我们科学的制定了治疗癌症的原则和方法。

1,《黄帝内经·素问·至真要大论》中说:“坚者削之,客者除之,结者散之, 瘤者攻之,薄之劫之,开之发之,适事为度。“客者除之”,“瘤者攻之” 就是说肿瘤一类的疾病必须用攻下逐瘀的方法排出体外,《黄帝内经*灵枢*水胀》:中说:“石瘕何如?歧伯曰:石瘕生于胞中,寒气客于子门,子门闭塞,气不得通,恶血当泻不泻,衃以留止,日以益大,状如怀子,月事不以时下,皆生于女子,可导而下之”,石瘕,相当于今天的宫颈癌,就是说,象宫颈癌这类的恶性疾病疾病可用导而下之的疗法来治疗。此后,历代医家在《黄帝内经》的原则指导下,不断发展和创新。



4,清代著名医学家吴鞠通,是清代的四大名医之一,他的著作《温病条辨》被列为中医四大经典著作,他运用排瘤疗法治疗胃部肿瘤,《吴鞠通医案*卷三*噎食》记载: “傅先生,55岁,先因酒楼中饮酒,食烧小猪响皮,甫及下咽,心下隐隐微痛,一月后痛有加,延医调治一年不效,次年5月饮水一口,胃中痛如刀割,干饭不下咽已月余矣,闰5月初8日,计一粒不下已十日,骨瘦如柴,面赤如赭,胃中痛处高起如桃大,按之更痛不可忍,余曰,此食隔也,当下之,伊家见方重不敢服,求签而后服一碗,痛至脐,服二碗,痛至小腹,服三碗,痛至肛门,大痛不可忍,又不得下。于是又作半剂,服一碗,外加蜜导法,始下如鸡蛋,黑而有毛,坚不可破,次日先吃烂面半碗,又次日饮粥汤,三日食粥,五日吃干饭矣。”




5 排瘤疗法的药物组成是什么?



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Nuclear power plant with home-made lifting equipme核电站用起重设备国产化nt

Nuclear power plant with home-made lifting equipment

Localization of the Hoisting Equipment Used for Nuclear Power Plants
(Lifting Equipment Co., Ltd. of Tianjin, Tianjin 300220)
After the introduction of nuclear power plants with the characteristics and types of lifting equipment, equipment layout and application of the situation, and so on the basis of the current nuclear power plants introduced by lifting equipment in China to achieve the status quo and future of all domestic necessity and possibility.
Nuclear power; lifting equipment; domestic
Abstract: This article introduces the feature, type, layout and application etc. Of hoisting equipment used for nuclear power plants. On the above bases, it also introduces the actual condition of the homemade hoisting equipment used for nuclear power plants and the necessity and possibility to achieve the entirely homemade hoisting equipment in the future.
Key words: Nuclear power plant; Hoisting equipment; Localization

Nuclear power plant to use lifting equipment is not the core of the nuclear power plant equipment, but it is also essential to one of the major equipment. No lifting equipment, nuclear power will not be able to carry out a variety of equipment to set up the installation; any special lifting equipment, material handling, and other aspects of nuclear reactors will not be able to carry out normal, all of the equipment system can not carry out normal maintenance and repair.
According to China's existing lifting equipment design and development, technology manufacturing, test, install and set up to safeguard the use of the skills and capabilities, China is using nuclear power lifting equipment can be made to take the lead in all.

1 nuclear power plant with the characteristics of lifting equipment

1.1 Special equipment - cranes
1.1.1 special equipment
Special equipment is related to the safety of dangerous equipment. "Special equipment to monitor the safety regulations," special equipment provided for in the following three categories: one for the boilers, pressure vessels and pressure piping; for the second crane (lifting equipment) and elevators; for the third passenger ropeway and large entertainment facilities And so on. Lifting equipment with nuclear power are special equipment.
1.1.2 special equipment safety management regulations
As one of the special equipment lifting equipment, and technical management of its security laws and regulations are usually divided into 4 levels: level 1 is the law, there are "special equipment to monitor the safety regulations" and "special equipment to monitor the quality of supervision and security"; layer 2 Is a point of order, such as GB6067 "Lifting the security point of order" and so on; Layer 3 is the norm, such as GB3811 "Crane Design Code"; No. 4 is the standard level, the crane national standards, industry standards and business standards. Nuclear Power lifting equipment must be used in the above-mentioned 4-management laws and regulations.
1.1.3 special equipment crane safety aspects of technology management
Crane safety technology management in the following 3 main components: the design and manufacture, install and use to set up maintenance.
Cranes must have a factory of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine issued a permit to create, or are not allowed to supply production.
Cranes must be installed to set up departments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities of Quality and Technical Supervision issued a permit to set up a crane to install before they can engage in the work of setting up a crane to install.
In lifting equipment to be used by the local "special equipment to identify the administrative licensing," the accrediting bodies (such as cranes security checkpoints,), the resumption of testing or inspection standard, the safe use of payment cards can be used later.
As a result, nuclear power plants to use lifting equipment must have a permit to create the factory production, has set up a permit to install the units to set up and security holders of permits before they can use.
1.2 lifting equipment of the nuclear power plant classification
1.2.1 in accordance with international standards for classification
Crane is divided into four broad categories:
(1) the type of tower cranes, mainly for construction work;
(2) the type of mobile cranes, such as automobiles, tires and crawler cranes, mainly for construction of civil engineering;
(3) the type of crane arm style, such as the common bridge or gantry crane hoist and crane, and so on;
(4) gantry crane types, such as the use of the Harbor Crane, mainly for loading and unloading operations.
Nuclear power plant used in the lifting equipment belong to the category of gantry cranes, most of them got up cranes, and more abroad as the Hoist Crane.
1.2.2 by end-use categories
Nuclear Power lifting equipment used by end-use classification of the following three categories:
(1) the installation of equipment to set up a crane, such as crane Orbit 407 t Central (Central suspended), 380 t gantry crane, and so on;
(2) use the crane to run operations, such as 10 / 2 t refueling gantry crane, and so on;
(3) the maintenance of equipment maintenance by a crane, such as cranes and so on a variety of gourd.
1.2.3-class nuclear crane classification
Was being lifted could be used to directly or indirectly caused by the release of dangerous radioactive load of lifting equipment, known as the nuclear-class cranes.
By the use of a nuclear crane occasions, dangerous nuclear load was being lifted with the use of different types of cranes can be divided into nuclear fuel, lack of nuclear materials and nuclear waste crane crane 3.
According to the lifting of direct or indirect risk of radioactive characteristics, according to load the degree of risk and safety reliability of the nuclear-class cranes can be divided into first, second and third 3 different levels of nuclear-class crane.
1.3 nuclear power plant with an integrated feature of lifting equipment
1.3.1 the use of environmental specialization
Nuclear power plant to use lifting equipment working environment for the river or the sea, and air corrosion, the working environment humidity, so the ability to request lifting equipment corrosion.
The island's main nuclear possibility of a lifting equipment, either directly or indirectly caused by nuclear radiation or radioactive release of dangerous pollution of the work environment.
1.3.2 the use of safe and reliable performance, high accuracy
The main use of nuclear power lifting equipment was used nuclear fuel was being lifted, the lack of nuclear material or nuclear waste or other dangerous load, or hoisting equipment, large-scale overhaul of precious, and so on, this request lifting equipment to be safe, reliable, to balance the requirements of action, to position Accurate.
1.3.3 the use of low-frequency, low-level work
Nuclear power plant to use lifting equipment was being lifted for most of the installation of equipment or repair equipment, often long after the completion of the installation of equipment out in a free state, even as equipment maintenance, for more than a year with a meetings or even 10 years, 8 1 year, even as the operations run by the nuclear-class lifting equipment, is not frequently used.
Crane used by the frequency and severity of the load being lifted, can be divided into 8, that is, A1 ~ A8-class, nuclear power plants in accordance with the characteristics of working with lifting equipment, its level should be below the rank of A4, the design need not be too conservative, As a result of conservative and to prevent too large and the impact of construction between the size limit.
1.3.4 species, variety, the large number of
By Ling Ao Nuclear Power Station, for example, a 2 × 100 million kW nuclear power plant standards, the need to have more than 10 different types of structure and function of lifting equipment, the weight of 0.05 ~ 407 t, span of 2.6 ~ 42.6 m, there is a simple manual cranes, but also Fully automated operation of the nuclear-level crane, for a total of more than 250 Taiwan.

2, Ling Ao Nuclear Power lifting equipment overview

Ling Ao Nuclear Power Station of the use of lifting equipment by the name of the 15 sub-species, 257 Taiwan dollars, from the weight of 0.05 ~ 407 t, span of 2.6 ~ 42.6 m. Cranes which got up (to hand chain hoist, electric hoist chain and wire rope electric hoist, as of hoisting mechanism lifting equipment, collectively referred to as cranes hoist) there are 239 units, cranes hoist has 6-class nuclear-hoist crane. Cranes hoist the total number of Taiwan-lifting equipment 92.9 percent, but starting from the weight of the total number of dollars from the total weight of 21.5 percent.

3, lifting equipment Ling Ao Nuclear Power Station in China

Ling Ao Nuclear Power Station to a project, for example, nuclear power plants to play habit of lifting equipment weight G = 40 t for the division of the limits to the type of crane, that is, from G ≤ 40 t weight of the various types of cranes lifting equipment known as small-scale (usually called PTP4 small cable car), G> 40 t known as the large-scale lifting equipment. In the Ling Ao Nuclear Power Station at home and abroad from the procurement of 257 Taiwan-lifting equipment, large-scale lifting equipment accounted for only 13, 12 of which are imported from abroad, only 1 domestic product (G = 63 t).
As the Ling Ao Nuclear Power Station to take the nuclear island and conventional island of the three major BOP system for the procurement of equipment were subcontracting, that it is conventional reunification of the island of a variety of lifting equipment imported from Finland KON company; BOP system made use of lifting equipment; nuclear Island Large lifting equipment plant and the nuclear fuel inside the unity of all lifting equipment imported from France, the other lifting equipment made use of lifting equipment.
Ling Ao Nuclear Power Station in a project, since all the weight of large, high technology equipment have been taken to lift the import, such as the 407 t crane Central, 130 t container crane, 380 t hanging doors, 185 t crane and large inter-nuclear 2 t-class nuclear material hanging poor, 5 / 2 t-assisted nuclear and suspended 10 / 2 t-for nuclear material, such as hanging. For only part of the installation, maintenance equipment and plant BOP lifting equipment used in domestic equipment.
Ling Ao Nuclear Power Station project a total of 59 Taiwan imports lifting equipment, equipment in accordance with the number of dollars, accounting for only 23 percent; made lifting equipment from the total weight of 593 t, from the total weight of 3 526.1 t of 16.8 percent, it is estimated that lifting the import Procurement of equipment, lifting equipment will account for the value of the total procurement value of more than 90%, we can see Ling Ao Nuclear Power Station project in a home-made lifting equipment is concerned, although there are some breakthroughs, but made little effort, local production is quite Low.

4 nuclear power plant to use lifting equipment in China

4.1 lifting equipment with nuclear power plants made the need for
To overcome the past through multiple heap-based, multi-country detour to introduce the technology in the Daya Bay Nuclear Power Station have been using Chinese and foreign two-reactor construction and commissioning co-management, responsible for foreign models and Ling Ao Nuclear Power Station as the principal foreign consulting the Chinese side Responsible for the operation and management model based on the current investment is about the construction of nuclear power will reach more than 70% of local production of nuclear power equipment. To make full use of domestic conditions play to our capabilities, the building of nuclear power will be 100% of all home-made large-scale development of nuclear power in China is an important goal.
As the installation of equipment to set up nuclear power plant, power plant operation and maintenance of equipment essential to lifting equipment, the same should also be made to reach all.
4.2 Nuclear Power lifting equipment made by the possibility of
China's existing factory lifting equipment is fully capable of designing and manufacturing a nuclear power plant used in a variety of lifting equipment.
4.2.1 China has been the norm than the crane design specifications, protocols and guidelines
At present, China has a very mature crane design specifications (GB3811), lifting safety (GB6065) and lifting equipment of various types of state or industry standards. Especially EJ/180/-1993 "nuclear power plant design principles dedicated crane" has been able to fully guide ring hanging, hanging containers and hanging-class nuclear design. China engaged in the design and development of lifting the level of professionals is not worse than abroad, with hoisting and conveying machinery of professional colleges, research institutes, the number of significant design institute, technical strength and extremely strong.
4.2.2 China's legal system have special equipment to monitor the safety regulations
At present, China has been lifting equipment design and manufacture, test, install and use to set up maintenance, management of the implementation of the rule of law, that is, the factory must have a permit to create various types of products have been corresponding test rules, to set up the installation must be installed To set up a permit to use the lifting equipment must be on the safe use of evidence.
4.2.3 China has been strong lifting equipment manufacturing strength
After investigation and study, the Ling Ao nuclear power plant used in the lifting equipment, are gantry cranes, in addition to 13 large-scale gantry crane, the rest belong to the crane hoist. At present, GM has a gantry crane hoist and crane manufacturing license of the large number of manufacturers.
Nuclear Power lifting equipment, in addition to the standard EJ/1801-1999 "nuclear power plant design principles dedicated appliances," stipulated in the ring 407 t crane, 130t container cranes (nothing to do with nuclear safety) and 10 / 2 t-for-suspended material, 5 / 2 t Des nuclear hanging 2 t and lack of nuclear material suspended (with the nuclear safety level of nuclear-related suspended), the other lifting equipment are common standard cranes, according to the requirements of nuclear power that is able to supply a little improvement. Dalian lifting one group of workers was lifting support for Pakistan Chashma Nuclear Power Plant, manufacturing over Central rail cranes, the nuclear industry for 404 manufacturing plants over 130 t spent nuclear material container crane; Lifting Equipment Co., Ltd. in Tianjin for the Daya Bay and Ling Ao Island nuclear power plant to provide nuclear fuel in addition to outdoor all small crassipes PTP4 a variety of cranes, but also for the Daya Bay Nuclear Power Plant BOP system to provide all the lifting equipment. In addition, Tianjin, a crane 404 factory plant also provided 10 / 2 t-door lack of nuclear material handling cranes working capital. This shows that China now has a complete design and manufacture and installation of lifting equipment to set up nuclear power plants with the capacity and conditions.
4.3 pair of home-made several suggestions and prospects
4.3.1 to speed up the pace of home-made
Nuclear power plant to use lifting equipment must be made to the current domestic lifting equipment manufacturers and related institutions, many scientific research institutes, complete with the means to design their own development, production and use of nuclear power plants to create lifting equipment It is entirely possible to achieve all of the first home-made.
4.3.2 to the development of standardized
With the great development of nuclear power, nuclear power is bound to the standardization of nuclear power direction, nuclear power plants with a variety of equipment are bound to move towards standardization in order to facilitate the selection, design, manufacture, support, maintenance and so on.
4.3.3 direction to become a professional
According to the use of nuclear power lifting equipment and different types of species, size and tonnage of lifting the level of technical content and complexity of the arrangements could reasonably good choice for the professional division of labor factory for the production of specialized suppliers.
4.3.4 to the development of cooperatives
For large-scale nuclear power plant or nuclear-level special crane, if necessary, can also take a joint home and abroad for the design, manufacture, testing or drawing foreign domestic manufacturing of a variety of forms of cooperation, gradually increase the domestic totally made up.
4.3.5 point to the direction of
Specialized in the production of nuclear power plants to use lifting equipment on the basis of attention to the cultivation, selection, determine the supply of fixed-point production plant in order to facilitate the use of nuclear power lifting equipment to ensure the quality and supply of spare parts.

[1] EJ/1801. "Nuclear power plant design principles dedicated crane" .1993
[2] Miyamoto-chi. Ling Ao Nuclear Power Station to use lifting equipment inspection report.

Localization of the Hoisting Equipment Used for Nuclear Power Plants
(天津起重设备有限公司,天津 300220)
Abstract: This article introduces the feature, type, layout and application etc. of hoisting equipment used for nuclear power plants. On the above bases, it also introduces the actual condition of the homemade hoisting equipment used for nuclear power plants and the necessity and possibility to achieve the entirely homemade hoisting equipment in the future.
Key words: Nuclear power plant; Hoisting equipment; Localization


1 核电站用起重设备的特点

1.1 特种设备——起重机
1.1.1 特种设备
1.1.2 特种设备的安全技术管理法规
1.1.3 特种设备起重机的安全技术管理环节
1.2 核电站起重设备的分类
1.2.1 按国际标准分类
(1) 塔式类型起重机,主要用于建筑工程;
(2) 流动类型起重机,如汽车、轮胎和履带起重机,主要用于土木建设工程等;
(3) 臂架式类型起重机,如通用桥式或门式起重机和葫芦式起重机等;
(4) 桥门式类型起重机,如海港用门座起重机,主要用于装卸作业。
核电站所用的起重设备均属于桥门式类起重机,其中大部分为葫芦式起重机,国外多称为Hoist Crane。
1.2.2 按用途分类
(1) 安装架设设备用起重机,如407 t环轨起重机(环吊)、380 t门式起重机等;
(2) 运行作业用起重机,如10/2 t换料门式起重机等;
(3) 设备维护检修用起重机,如各种葫芦式起重机等。
1.2.3 核级起重机分类
1.3 核电站用起重设备的综合特点
1.3.1 使用环境的特殊化
1.3.2 使用性能要求安全可靠、准确性高
1.3.3 使用频率低,工作级别低
1.3.4 品种、类别繁多,数量大
以岭澳核电站为例,一座2×100万kW标准核电站,需拥有10余种不同结构类型及功能的起重设备,重量0.05~407 t,跨度2.6~42.6 m,有简单手动起重机,也有完全自动化操作的核级起重机,共计250余台。

2 岭澳核电站起重设备概况

岭澳核电站使用的起重设备按名称分有15种,计257台,起重量0.05~407 t,跨度2.6~42.6 m。其中葫芦式起重机(以手拉葫芦、环链电动葫芦和钢丝绳电动葫芦作为起升机构的起重设备统称为葫芦起重机)有239台,葫芦式起重机中拥有6台核级葫芦式起重机。葫芦式起重机占整个起重设备台数的92.9%,但是从起重量总数计仅占总起重量的21.5%。

3 岭澳核电站起重设备的国产化

以岭澳核电站一期工程为例,核电站起重设备习惯以起重量G=40 t为界限来划分起重机类别,即起重量G≤40 t的各种类型起重机称为小型起重设备(通常称PTP4小吊车),G>40 t的称为大型起重设备。在岭澳核电站从国内外采购的257台起重设备中,大型起重设备仅占13台,其中有12台是从国外进口的,国产产品仅有1台(G=63 t)。
岭澳核电站一期工程中,凡是起重量较大、技术含量较高的起重设备均采取进口,如407 t环吊,130 t容器吊、380 t门吊、185 t超大跨桥吊和核级2 t核乏料吊、5/2 t核辅助吊及10/2 t核换料吊等。只有部分用于安装、检修设备和BOP厂房中的起重设备采用国产设备。
岭澳核电站一期工程共进口59台起重设备,按设备台数计,仅占23%;国产起重设备总起重量为593 t,占总起重量3 526.1 t的16.8%,估计进口起重设备的采购值将占起重设备总采购值的90%以上,可见岭澳核电站一期工程在起重设备国产化方面虽然有一定的突破,但国产化的力度不大,国产化率还是相当低的。

4 核电站用起重设备的国产化

4.1 核电站用起重设备国产化的必要性
4.2 核电站用起重设备国产化的可能性
4.2.1 中国已具有较规范的起重机设计规范、规程和准则
4.2.2 中国已有法制化的特种设备安全监察条例
4.2.3 中国已具有雄厚的起重设备制造实力
核电站起重设备中,除了标准EJ/1801-1999《核电厂专用起重设计准则》中规定407 t环吊、130t容器吊(与核安全无关)和10/2 t换料吊、5/2 t核辅吊及2 t核乏料吊(与核安全有关的核级吊)之外,其它起重设备均为通用标准型起重机,按核电要求稍加改进即可以供货。其中大连起重工起重集团公司曾经为支援巴基斯坦恰希玛核电站,制造过环轨起重机,为核工业404厂制造过130 t核乏料容器起重机 ;天津起重设备有限公司曾为大亚湾和岭澳核电站的核岛提供除核燃料室外所有PTP4各种小型葫芦式起重机,还为大亚湾核电站BOP系统提供过全部起重设备。另外,天津起重机厂还曾为404厂提供过10/2 t门式核乏料周转装卸起重机。由此可见,中国目前已完全具有设计制造和安装架设核电站用起重设备的能力和条件。
4.3 对国产化的几点建议与展望
4.3.1 加快国产化步伐
4.3.2 向标准化方向发展
4.3.3 向专业化方向发展
4.3.4 向合作化方向发展
4.3.5 向定点化方向发展

[1] EJ/1801.《核电厂专用起重机设计准则》.1993
[2] 宫本智.岭澳核电站用起重设备考察报告.

Shanghai. August 6. INTERFAX-CHINA - Shanghai Electric Group Co. Ltd期待更多的订单核

Shanghai. August 6. INTERFAX-CHINA - Shanghai Electric Group Co. Ltd., a
large power equipment manufacturer, is expecting more orders of nuclear
power equipment, said a high-ranking company official during a forum
over the weekend.
According to board chairman, Xu Jianguo, the company may attain nuclear
power equipment orders valued at RMB 6 billion ($792.60 million) by the
end 2007 at the earliest, or by the end of 2008 at the latest, China
Business News reported today. So far for this year, the company has
received nuclear power orders valued at RMB 4 billion ($528.40 million).
Xu also revealed at the forum that the company will strengthen
cooperation with Jiangxi Province on nuclear power development. The
province is trying to get approval to start construction of the
Maozishan nuclear power project, which will involve two 1,000-megawatt
reactors in the first phase of construction.
In March, the company announced that it would invest RMB 6 billion
($792.60 million) in building the nuclear power manufacturing base.
Last month, the State Nuclear Power Technology Co. signed an agreement
with Westinghouse to source four reactors for two nuclear power
projects, each of which will have two reactors. One project is located
in Shandong and the other, in Zhejiang.
An official with Shanghai Electric told Interfax that the company will
receive AP1000 technology, the third generation of nuclear technology,
from Westinghouse.
上海。 8月6日。国际中国-上海电气集团有限公司,一个
核电厂收到的订单,价值人民币40亿(五百二十八点四○美元万美元) 。
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